Graston Technique in Lancaster PA

We offer the Graston Technique for injury treatment and rehabilitation
This remarkable procedure allows us to detect and treat areas of “scar tissue” or adhesions in muscles, tendons and ligaments that can reduce our range of motion and cause pain in Lancaster PA. In the healing process, our body attempts to repair those areas by creating “scar tissue,” much like the scar that forms on the skin when you have scraped or banged your knee.

In time, we can have a build up of this fibrous scar tissue, particularly in the muscles, tendons and ligaments that get a lot of use. This can lead to pain and dysfunction because this replacement tissue lacks the strength and flexibility of healthy tissue (in some areas it may even mat down and entrap a nerve).
Click here to learn more about what Soft Tissue is and why it is important
GT Instruments:
The Graston Technique® allows us to better detect and treat these areas because it uses a stainless steel instrument that glides along a patient’s muscle, tendons or ligaments, with the right amount of pressure to detect just where the scar tissue or restrictions are located. When these knots or bands of scar tissue are encountered, both the clinician and the patient sense a restriction, almost like a speed bump or a granular feeling. The instrument can then be used to identify and treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. Stretching exercises are used to promote re-alignment of the fibers into the normal pattern of healthy tissue.
Benefits in Lancaster PA:
The benefit of the Graston Technique® is not only in detection of restrictions or adhesions, but also in the amount of improvement that takes place in a short amount of time. Remember the song and words “… the knee bone's connected to the thigh bone…”? Well, so they are and so are all of the body parts connected in what is referred to as the kinetic chain. The instruments allow the clinician to follow that kinetic chain, effectively uncovering the cause of the problem, then treating the cause and the area of pain or restriction. The unaided hand is hard pressed to detect and break up as much scar tissue, or follow the kinetic chain, as effectively or efficiently as stainless steel instruments can.
Patients usually receive two treatments per week for four to five weeks. Most patients have a positive response within two to three treatments. Most patients are not disabled and continue to perform their regular functions at home/work. GT decreases overall time of treatment, fosters faster rehabilitation/recovery, reduces need for anti-inflammatory medication and resolves chronic conditions thought to be permanent.
If you have not experienced the Graston Technique®, yet you have lingering discomfort or stiffness, please ask us whether you may be helped by this effective treatment.
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
12:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Emergencies By Appointment
Advanced Chiropractic & Rehab
900 Centerville Rd B
Lancaster, PA 17601